Tuesday, September 07, 2010

I caved


tumblr may be my new home on the intarwebz. not sure yet. so if I never ever return to blogger, well. that will just be normal.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Evidently this is a really bad year for fleas. And by, "bad for fleas," I really mean, "good for fleas and bad for everyone who hates fleas. Which is, you know, every living thing on this planet. Except maybe for things that eat fleas. They probably really like them."

ANYWAY, the reason I am bringing this up is because all three of my dogs have fleas. Let me take a moment to illustrate the severity of the situation to you. I picked a few fleas off of Tippy this morning. I picked ten off of Pete after I got back from lunch. It has been like this every day for the past few weeks. I can see the fleas crawling around beneath their fur. They will surface, crawl to a new location, and then go back down into the fur like some kind of parasitic dolphin. Flea baths only do so much, because as soon as the dogs go outside to pee they are crawling with fleas again. The fleas also seem to have inhabited the carpet because every now and then one will hop onto my leg or arm.

We have been fighting the battle against the fleas for what feels like forever but has probably been just a few weeks (which is still, you know, FOREVER). We have tried everything: topical solutions, flea baths, spraying the yard, vacuuming the house and tossing the bags, spraying the carpet with flea killer, washing the dogs' beds. We even gave them a pill that was supposed to last for 24 hours but ended up making them sick. The problem is so bad that I have flea bites on my legs (because I'm pretty sure there are some in my bed) and I feel itchy all the time, although that last bit is probably a result of the psychosis the fleas are causing.

If you have ANY ideas about what we can do to get rid of these damn things, please, please, PLEASE let me know because we are just at an absolute loss.

On a less cringe-worthy note, I am currently sorting through all the pictures I took on my last foray out into the world. It's taking me a while to get through them all, but here's a teaser for what's (hopefully) soon-to-come:

Monday, July 12, 2010


It has been two months and one day since my last post.


I honestly just forgot I even had a blog for a while. It's like I finished unpacking all of my things from college (which was evidently the most exciting thing I could think to write about two months ago) and then went brain dead or something.

Ok, fine, I'll tell you what really happened. I discovered that I could watch entire seasons of TV shows on Netflix.

Really, Lacy? All you've been doing for the past two months is watching TV shows online?

Err... well.... yeah. Doctor Who (four seasons), Torchwood (three seasons), Dollhouse (first season), Buffy (first two seasons and most of the third), and Bones (all five seasons). That is ALOT of TV, y'all! Goodness.

And, yeah, I've been doing other stuff, too, if by "other stuff" you mean nannying for my neighbors' kids and.... well, that's about it, actually. (Also, there were a lot of commas in that sentence, but I'm pretty sure they're all correct.) I have left my house on occasion, though. So, you know, that's something.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Unpacking sucks

I mean, seriously. Where did all of this stuff come from?

In the process of moving things back into my room, I have had to clear some of my old things to make room for all of the stuff that's been accumulating at school for the past nine months. This is a project that has long been overdue, and it's actually kind of therapeutic to go through drawers and toss things into that big black trash bag. It's like I am the queen of the miscellaneous items' world and am in complete control of their fate......

Right, anyway. The big trash bag on the chair in the picture is actually full of clothes I am going to donate. See the pile of clothes sitting on my bed in the bottom right corner? They haven't been put in my closet yet because there is no place in the closet for me to put them. Except maybe on the floor...

Like I said, the cleaning is way overdue.

So that's what I'll be doing for the rest of this week. Try to contain your jealousy.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Friday, April 30, 2010

Life is beautiful

Ok, I know it's only been two days since my last post, but c'mon. You guys didn't think I'd be able to stay away from you forever, didja?

Oh, you did? You were hoping that Wednesday was my last blog post ever? You never wanted to hear from me again?

Um... right. Well.


Moving right along!

Today has been such a beautiful day that I've decided to keep my window open, which I don't usually do since I live on campus and there is invariably some drunk frat boy shouting underneath my window at any given time. Today, though, all I can hear are the birds singing their summer songs (because even though summer doesn't technically start until June 21st, it is already summer in my mind) and the bells of Robert Carr Chapel chiming the 7:00 hour. My complete and total freedom from junior year begins in exactly one week, and I am just feeling so hopeful (if still a little uncertain) about the future that I thought I'd share these things with you.

This is the view from my window right now. I took the picture through a screen so I apologize for the quality.

Life is beautiful, friends. =)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Regardless of what yesterday's non-existant post might tell you, I didn't forget to blog yesterday. I got up on my bed with my computer around 6:00 yesterday and started writing, but I fell asleep before I finished and didn't wake up until 9:00 this morning.

So, yeah.

Today is my last day of class. I really can't begin to tell you how happy that makes me. =) It's also my last day of updating my blog every day. I'll still write, but it will just be less often and hopefully about more interesting things. (Especially now that it's almost summer!!!)

So with that being said, I guess I'll see ya when I see ya!