I forgot to update yesterday. Again. I have an excuse this time, though. I was sick, and it was NOT pretty. No worries, though. My physical health has returned to normal. My mental health.... well, that remains to be seen.
A thought entered my head just a couple of hours ago and now I can't seem to let go of it. I'm actually considering dropping from music education to just music and adding an arts administration minor. That idea is extremely attractive to me, but here's the thing. I've already put three years (and lots and lots of tears and torn out hair) into this degree. Wouldn't dropping it at this point seem a little like quitting? Also, it is entirely likely that adding a minor at this point would delay my graduation by at least a semester. Couple this with the fact that I still have NO idea what to do with my life and you've got one very confused 20-something.
I really hate feeling so indecisive. I also hate the fact that others' expectations of me are very heavily influencing how I feel about this situation. It's my life! I should be able to do what I want with it. But I can't seem to shake my concern of possibly disappointing everyone. Everyone keeps saying what a good educator I'll be. But what if that's not what I want? What will they say then?
I need some chocolate, STAT.
Hmm, I hope you realize what you want to do soon!
What does arts administration entail? <3Barbie
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