Saturday, April 03, 2010

You are the 1345098th viewer!

Congratulations! You have been awarded the chance to look inside Lacy's mind! In this blog post you will experience what no other meanderer of the internet has ever before experienced! Prepare yourself, for what you are about to read... may shock you.

"Oh. It's 11:00. I haven't written my blog for today yet. Guess I should do that.

*stares blankly at screen*

"I'm out of things to write about. I've exhausted all my resources. Why did I decide to do this again? Maybe I should just switch to every other day. Or every few days. Or whenever I feel like it."

Ok, I can't do this. My stream of conscious is just as uninteresting as my actual life. So yeah, here's today's post. Hopefully I'll have some interesting Easter pictures/stories for y'all tomorrow.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

well... *I* think you're interesting!