A few nights ago I had a dream that I was in a plane crash. At first I thought we were just doing neat little spinny tricks through the air. I remember thinking, "All the people on the ground are going to think we're going down!" And then I realized that was exactly what we were doing. I went to get out my cell phone to call my parents and tell them what was happening, but the plane crashed before I got the chance. We landed in a parking lot somewhere in Dallas, and I was thrown out of the plane and bouncing around on top of these cars before I finally stopped. Somehow I survived.
Anyway, I figure that having a dream about a plane crash has got to mean something, right? So I went to dreammoods.com and typed in "plane crash." Here's what it said:
"To dream that a plane crashes, suggests that you have set overly high and unrealistic goals for yourself. Your goals may be too high and are impossible to realize. You are in danger of having it come crashing down. Alternatively, your lack of confidence, self-defeating attitude and self-doubt toward the goals you have set for yourself is represented by the crashing airplane; you do not believe in your ability to attain those goals. Loss of power and uncertainty in achieving your goals are also signified."
But, of course, what does the internet know about the way my mind works? I probably would have believed this under different circumstances, but as I never set goals for myself I know I can't reach, I find this answer completely untrue. Mostly I just think I had the dream because it was shortly after that plane crashed in Kentucky, and the rest of my dream was made up of bits and pieces of other things I had seen or that had happened to me.
Anyway, as today was my nothing day, I decided to have some fun with my camera. Here are some of the results. Enjoy. :)

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