On the left is a super-mini snow globe supposedly filled with gold flakes. I got it from the Alaska State Museum when I went with Mimi (my grandma, for anyone who doesn't know) when I was 12. At the time, I really though it was worth something. Now I realize that it's probably just aluminum foil that's been painted gold.... Oh well!
On the right is a ceramic something-or-other that I made with my mom several years ago. Hobby Lobby (or was it Michael's...?) used to have this station where you could paint all sorts of ceramic things and they would glaze and bake them for you. Very cool. Does anyone know of any places that still do this?

I'm pretty sure I got this from the Dallas Museum of Art. I used to go all the time with Mimi when I was a kid, and I probably got this thinking that I was acquiring some super valuable relic from ancient Egypt. This is obviously not the case, but I still like it. =)
Behind the cat and to the left is a tiger from Lord knows where. These and the items in the first picture are on my dresser along with a bunch of other miscellaneous stuff, and they've all been in the same place since we moved to this house in 2003. I have no idea where most of it came from.
Anyway, behind the cat and to the right is a picture of my great-grandparents, Nana and Grindad. Grindad passed away when I was 5 or 6 and Nana passed away about six months later. I don't remember much about them since I was so young when they passed away, but the memories I do have consist mostly of photographs and feelings and smells. For instance, I remember their house having a very distinct smell to it. I don't remember it being a bad smell, but it was very unique to Nana and Grindad. I also remember Grindad letting us (my brother and I) crawl up on his lap while he told us stories. Grindad had very big ears, and he was always good-natured about letting us play with them. There are a lot of memories starting to come to mind as I'm writing about them, but I think I will save them for another post.

This gem is sitting on my desk, and as you can see, it is a Pink Power Ranger figurine circa 1995. (I actually have no idea when I got this...) My brother and I were obsessed with Power Rangers when we were kids. During the summer, we would go out in our front yard and pretend to be Power Rangers. I was always the Pink Power Ranger, and I usually made Doug be Rita. There were sprinklers involved in this game, but I don't remember what their purpose was other than providing relief from the 100 degree weather. I also went as the Pink Ranger for Halloween one year. The costume came with these gloves that, when you closed your fist, made a punching noise. Needless to say, I wore them for several weeks after Halloween was over.
In other news, I'm going to a Stars game tonight with the same crew I was hanging out with yesterday. Pictures and videos will be taken, and you'll get to hear all about it tomorrow. Aren't you EXCITED? Good. 'Cause you should be. =) 'Til tomorrow!
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