Sunday, July 26, 2009

I'm not dead yet

Hello interwebz!
I don't really know why I'm addressing the entire internet. I really should just address Tricia since I'm pretty sure she's the only one who reads this.
Anyway, hello to Tricia and to anyone else who happened to stumble upon this. I would just like to inform you that contrary to what my posting habits may have led you to believe, I am not, in fact, dead. I'm quite alive, actually, just very, very inactive.
I don't have much to talk about in this post, but I'm planning on writing an entry soon on all of the books I've read so far this summer. That number is constantly climbing, however, so we'll see how well that endeavor goes.
In other news, I have been to four states in the past two weeks: Florida, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and Michigan. The first was on a trip with the college choir from my church, the next two while I was visiting my college roommate, and the fourth.... well, that memory is still a little too fresh and equal parts painful and embarassing, so I'll leave that for another post. Probably one in which I recount my travels in more detail.
One more thing before I resume wandering about the internet instead of enjoying the beautiful (and extraordinarily hot) weather: I've recently become a fan of the Vlogbrothers. They are brothers (surprise) who have decided to cease all textual communication and communicate only by a daily vlog which they post to a YouTube channel they share. They're both uber nerdy and hilariously awesome. I highly recommend that you check them out.
Til next time!
P.S. I'm sorry the format fails.... I've tried numerous times to fix it but the paragraphs are determined to stay single-spaced. Boo :[

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