Today was a pretty amazing day, all things considered. TCU's football game was at noon today instead of 6 in an effort to avoid the brunt of Ike, though ironically enough I think we got it worse at noon than we would have at six. Although I was sleeping through what was supposed to be the worst part of the storm so I guess I wouldn't really know. But I'm getting ahead of myself.
I watched the first quarter on TV cause I still wasn't quite awake yet (it's the weekend... gimme a break!), but after much cajoling by my friends, I went in time to see the start of the second quarter and the rest of the game. Well of course I wasn't thinking when I left my room and so didn't realize I'd forgotten my umbrella until I got there and it started raining. Fortunately for me, both of my friends had ponchos on, so I huddled up between them whenever it started raining.
The weather wasn't actually as bad as I was expecting it to be. I mean it was really windy and it was pretty much raining sideways throughout the entire game, but I was expecting something close to the apocalypse so it wasn't really too bad. I didn't bring my camera with me cause I didn't want it to get wet, but I wish I had so I could have documented the craziness. We actually had a really good time, and after a while the fans started chearing for Ike. It was pretty amazing. And aside from some really awful calls by the refs, we won the game 31 14. And can I just go ahead and say how RUDE the Stanford band was? We were really respectful during their alma mater, and they played right through ours! It was made even worse by the fact that they were on OUR turf and totally disrespecting us.
Anyway, I was pretty much soaked by the end of the game and couldn't wait to get into some DRY. When my roommate got back (she's in colorguard), we decided it was high time for a nap. I don't know how long she slept for since she went to sleep after me and woke up before I did, but I definitely slept for three and a half hours. It was a really deep sleep, too. I had about three different dreams and thought it was Sunday morning when I woke up. Needless to say, I am now wide awake. I've been tooling around on the internet as a result of my current insomnia, and
LOOK AT WHAT I FOUND! This is pretty much the coolest website I have ever seen. You upload a picture of yourself and the website shows you what you would have looked like back in the day. It goes all the way from 1950 to 2000. I saved too many pictures to post, but here are my faves:

1958. Check out that collar!
1962. How on earth do you a) style your hair like that and b) make it stay?!

1976. I think my mom used to have a similar haircut... and probably a similar shirt.

1978. This one's my fave. I've ALWAYS wanted a fro. Too bad I don't have the right kind of hair!

1986. Does anyone else think that hairdo looks like Michael Jackson's from around the same time?

2000. It was only 8 years ago and it's kind of hard for me to imagine the fashion then being any different from the fashion now. 'Course, I was only 11 at the time. I don't think I even knew what fashion was...
Anywho, it is now 1:37 and I figure it's high time for me to make an attempt at sleeping. It's either that or work on the history homework I've been neglecting, and as much as I enjoy my history class, I enjoy sleep astronomically more. :]
1 comment:
Don't be so quick to judge the Stanford Band. In the Pac110, both bands play alma maters at the same time. Nobody from TCU came to tell is what the tradition was there, so we just did what we always do. No disrespect intended.
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