I recently had a conversation with one of my professors about backpacking across Europe after grad school, and that idea has turned into a thought that I can't seem to get out of my head.
For the past two weeks, I've felt increasingly trapped in my life here. I feel like I'm in a cage, like I'm tied down and can't go anywhere else. What started as something to daydream about has turned into an obsession that is putting some rather surprising thoughts into my head. I want to pack up some essentials, my laptop, and my camera, get in my car, and just drive away. I want to work odd jobs here and there, just enough to earn some gas money, and keep on going. I want to go everywhere; I want to see everything. I want to meet people. I want to fall in love. I want to stay on the move and never ever settle down until I meet someone who's willing to come chase after me.
Before now, the plan has been simple: go to college, go to grad school, come back to Plano and teach. The end. Now, the thought of completing that goal is terrifying. If I stick to that plan, my chance to explore the world will be over in four years. Four years!! There's too much I want to do, too much I want to see to be settling in one place so soon.
No, I'm going to go to grad school in the northeast and study something interesting. Maybe music. Maybe not. I've always found other cultures fascinating, so maybe I'll study anthropology instead. After that, who knows? Maybe I'll stay up north and work in a book store. Maybe I'll take some night classes so I can finally learn all those languages I've been dying to learn. I'll save up some money and buy a one-way ticket to London. I'll start there and work my way around Western Europe. Maybe I'll go to Eastern Europe, too. Maybe I'll fall in love with someone there and decide to stay. Or maybe I'll just get burned out and come home, instead. Maybe I'll do all of it. Maybe I'll do none of it.
Maybe my life will be over in four years, after all.
(I can't even begin to tell you how frightening that prospect is.)
The uncertainty of the future the scariest thing I face right now. For now, I'll just concentrate on the tasks set before me and hope my life doesn't end before I want it to.
I'm just an escapist who wants to get away and never look back.